Corporate Strategy

Mission, vision, ambition
Who are we and where do we want to be five years?


Corporate portfolio strategy 
What are the roles and strategic priorities of the business units it comprises?


Corporate growth strategy 
What are the key instruments that will realize our growth ambition?


Financial strategy
Do we have the right policies and processes to link our strategy to value?


Business Strategy

Together we will develope the right business strategy by answering the questions that influence the most important success factors of your company.


Why is the organisation in business?

What are its key selling points or core strengths?

Who are its ideal customers?

Which offers provide the best results for its customers and its company bottom-line?

Will this strategic framework help the business achieve its goals and objectives?


Adaptive Strategy

In contrast to the classic approach of sustainable competitive advantage, an adaptive strategy approach is based on the idea of ​​serial temporary advantage.


Renewal Strategy

With this type of strategy we help an organization stabilize operations, revitalize organizational resources and capabilities, and prepare to compete once again

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